Monday, December 31, 2012

When a Man Wants to Attract Women, Start with First Impressions, Dating Expert Says

It is a fact of life that most people make a split-second judgment call or opinion about somebody based on that first impression and this holds true even more so in the dating world where the ultimate goal is to attract women. That is why it is important for a man to work hard to present his very best self to others, says Dating Expert, Carlos Xuma, in his new report.

San Mateo, CA (PRWEB) September 13, 2012

“It may seem superficial to some people but getting a leg up in the dating world involves investing some time and energy into appearance,” Carlos Xuma says. “Some guys resist this idea but the reality is if a guy looks his best he will actually feel better and be able to present his best self to others whether it is in the dating world or at work or whatever.”

Xuma’s new report on how to sexually attract women offers guidelines on how men can do this, includes ideas, and tips on hygiene, clothing, and even the vehicle a guy drives.

“Even a little bit of effort toward improving a guy’s appearance can make the difference from a girl turning him down or giving him her phone number,” Xuma said. “And despite what some people think dressing well can really involve little money. In fact, there is no reason it needs to cost any or much more than what a guy already spends on clothing.”

The key to dressing when it comes to how to attract women the right way is to always focus on quality over quantity.

“Quality doesn’t mean the most expensive or even the most durable lasting material,” Xuma says. “In this case, while the quality should be good enough that a guy gets his money’s worth, the decision-making factor should almost entirely be on what the clothing item does for the man’s looks and physical appearance.”

For instance, one guy might think buying a $120 dress shirt will make him look good, but if the fit or color doesn’t flatter him it is a waste of money, Xuma says in his report on how to meet and attract women.

“Instead, that guy might be able to find a $3 shirt at a thrift store or $30 shirt at a department store that flatters his physique and makes him look great,” Xuma says. “Most men aren’t born with this gene, however, so men should always take along a stylish friend on their shopping trips. IT could be a guy or gal or even asking a stylishly dressed salesclerk what looks good.”

Tips like these are part of Xuma’s new report on first impressions and list specifics that any guy would benefit from knowing.

Carlos Xuma has spent more than a decade helping men attract women. Xuma has appeared on ABC and CBS television, as well as Playboy radio. He has been recognized for his work sharing dating advice for guys and sharing tips on pick up artist techniques, alpha male behavior, how to find a woman, and how to get a girlfriend. He is the author of The Bad Boy Formula, Secrets of the Alpha Male, and the Girlfriend Training Program, and has taught hundreds of men his secrets to success through his website at

For more information, visit Carlos Xuma’s website at

Carlos Xuma
Attract Women
Email Information

How to attract a woman

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